Giveaway koji je bio ogranizovan pre oko dve nedelje sada je zatvoren. Puno od vas se odazvalo i učestvovalo, HVALA veliko svima, pa nije lak zadatak sabrati sve te bodove.:) Zato ću u narednih nekoliko dana lagano sabrati da sličajno nešto ne pogrešim, okačiti listu da bude dostupna svima da mogu da provere, i pomoću sajta izvućiću srećnog dobitnika! Dok ne objavim rezultate, uživajte u mleku i kolačićima! Napravite doručak kao ja na ovoj slici ispod, samo ga napravite da bude jestiv, ovaj moj je samo za ukras. :( Ukoliko neki od linkova koje ste naveli nije validan, odvede na stranicu za koju piše da je nepostojeća, da postoji greška pri učitavanju, ili na toj strani ne mogu da pronađem uslov koji ste naveli da ste ispunili, to neću računati kao bod. Isto tako, ne računam bod za svaku lajkovanu sliku, već samo za po 1 (jer bi tako neki imali i po 90 bodova što nije uredu prema ostalim učesnicima).
Giveaway which I have organized about two week ago is closed. A lot of you participated. Thank's a lot to all of you! It's not easy to calculate all the points, so in next few days I will do it patiently (in order to make no mistake), give you a link where you can check all the participants, and chose the lucky winner via website In the meanwhile enjoy in milk and cupcakes (make a breakfast like I did on this picture, just make it to be eatable for a change). :) I will not give you a point if there is a link which is not valid (leads to page that don't exist, browser isn't able to open page, page has some error, or I can open a page but I cannot find anything related to my blog or Facebook page), I will not add it. Also, even though some of you have liked more than one picture on my Facebook page, I will count only one (because some participants liked about 90 pictures) so it wouldn't be fair to the rest of you that this person has about 100 points.
Drago mi je i što se prijavio popriličan broj stranih državljana, tako da ću od sad i ja dvojezično pisati postove!:) Do sad nije bilo potrebe za tim, ali sad je neophodno. Zvanično objavljujem da počinjem da šaljem nakit i u inostranstvo, tako da ako želite nešto da kupite a niste iz Srbije, nema problema!:)
I'm so glad that many of you who are not from Serbia applied too! I have to write my future posts in both languages (Serbian and English, sorry if it isn't always correct grammatically :) ). I also want to point out that from now on I send my jewelry all over the world, so if you want to order something please contact me.
Love, <3
Giveaway which I have organized about two week ago is closed. A lot of you participated. Thank's a lot to all of you! It's not easy to calculate all the points, so in next few days I will do it patiently (in order to make no mistake), give you a link where you can check all the participants, and chose the lucky winner via website In the meanwhile enjoy in milk and cupcakes (make a breakfast like I did on this picture, just make it to be eatable for a change). :) I will not give you a point if there is a link which is not valid (leads to page that don't exist, browser isn't able to open page, page has some error, or I can open a page but I cannot find anything related to my blog or Facebook page), I will not add it. Also, even though some of you have liked more than one picture on my Facebook page, I will count only one (because some participants liked about 90 pictures) so it wouldn't be fair to the rest of you that this person has about 100 points.
Drago mi je i što se prijavio popriličan broj stranih državljana, tako da ću od sad i ja dvojezično pisati postove!:) Do sad nije bilo potrebe za tim, ali sad je neophodno. Zvanično objavljujem da počinjem da šaljem nakit i u inostranstvo, tako da ako želite nešto da kupite a niste iz Srbije, nema problema!:)
I'm so glad that many of you who are not from Serbia applied too! I have to write my future posts in both languages (Serbian and English, sorry if it isn't always correct grammatically :) ). I also want to point out that from now on I send my jewelry all over the world, so if you want to order something please contact me.
Love, <3